12 Quotes & Sayings By Robert Lynn Asprin

Robert Lynn Asprin was born in New York City on April 11, 1939. He attended the University of Kansas, receiving a bachelor's degree in geology. While attending the university, he did not have much success with his writing at first, but did start regularly publishing short stories in science fiction magazines during the early 1960s. One of his earliest published works was an article about an imaginary device known as the "Scattergun", which appeared in Galaxy Science Fiction magazine in 1963 Read more

The same year, he sold his first science fiction story to Galaxy, "Mirror Image", which was followed by "Pitfall" and another story in 1964 that appeared in Galaxy, "Master of the Maze". Both stories were expanded into full-length novels by 1965; they were published under the pen name Robert Lynn and credited to "Robert Lynn Asprin". Both novels were revised and expanded into revised and expanded versions for DAW Books: The Amazing Transparent Man (1965) and The Second Book of Swords (1966).

Both were later reprinted with new cover art by the Dragonlance line of books. In 1967 his novel The Crystal Goblet (the first in a series) was published by Ace Books with cover art by Frank Frazetta. Several more books followed: The Magic Mirror of Merlin (1967) and Merlin's Daughter (1968); both were written under the pseudonym Robert Lynn and credited to "Robert Lynn Asprin".

In 1968 he co-wrote The Once and Future King with Stephen Lawhead and it was published by Ballantine Books. Asprin is most famous for his work on Thieves World, which he wrote under the pen name "Peter David" from 1980 - 2000.

When things are at their blackest, I say to myself,...
When things are at their blackest, I say to myself, 'Cheer up, things could be worse.' And sure enough, they get worse. Robert Lynn Asprin
Diplomacy is the delicate weapon of the civilized warrior."- Hun, A. T. Robert Lynn Asprin
To function efficiently, any group of people or employees must have faith in their leader."- Capt. Bligh(ret.) Robert Lynn Asprin
Just a little off the top! "- A. Boleyn Robert Lynn Asprin
They never let you live it down. One little mistake! "- Nero Robert Lynn Asprin
We've got an unbeatable team."- Sauron Robert Lynn Asprin
Don't pick up hitchhikers! "- D. Adams Robert Lynn Asprin
I am not a slow writer, I am not a fast writer .. . I am a half-fast writer. Robert Lynn Asprin
The Dispatcher had played with his phones, calling from one to the other. Then he put them all down and announced that he had them on "hold, " a curious expression since it was the first time in half an hour he hadn't been holding one. Robert Lynn Asprin
Numerical superiority is of no consequence. In battle, victory will go to the best tactician."- G. A. Custer Robert Lynn Asprin
Everybody needs a career manager."- Lady Macbeth Robert Lynn Asprin